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时间:2018-03-28  来源:哈罗北京  

Springtime is the perfect time to try something new and this spring our students have come out of their classrooms and explored the world,


an exploration denoted by three letters and travelling along one road.


Last week Harrow Beijing held the Collaboration-Creativity-Curiosity Week focusing on the Silk Road. As a link between Eastern and Western culture, the Silk Road has had and continues to have a global impact. In order to develop an in-depth understanding of the impact of the Silk Road, we framed questions around three concepts, each starting with the letter C- Collaboration, Creativity and Curiosity. This provided the students with guidance during their journey into enquiry based learning.


Collaboration- How can we work in teams and be good team members?


Creativity- How can we make our project stand out from the others?


uriosity- How can we conduct high-level research on our projects?


During the week, the students from Year 4 to Year 8 all worked in teams to focus on a range of departmental tasks.


In order to better understand how the notion of the Silk Road has affected China's development through time, the students from Year 4 and 5 visited the China National Museum, which has some excellent exhibits related specifically to the Silk Road and items traded there. Armed with a worksheet with different tasks related to Geography, History, Economy and Art each student had to take a cultural adventure in the museum and find answers to questions on those worksheets. The trade, art and transportation from distinct dynasties all linked together and formed a huge cultural map right before the children's eyes!



While younger students were visiting the National Museum, some Upper School students were discovering and enjoying the beauty of traditional art. The School invited some external experts to give students the opportunity to create some traditional art about the Silk Road. With professional support, the students created traditional kites, paper cutting and paintings. Through these activities the students nurtured a love of traditional culture.


Later in the week it was all about putting the projects together with the students thinking carefully about the 'C questions' and selecting a group that they thought would help them to demonstrate their learning and answer the questions. On the final day of the CCC week, each team presented their project in creative ways to parents and visitors. Through this activity, the students learnt not only about Chinese history and culture but also about how different cultures have impacted each other on the Silk Road.?


One of the outcomes of the CCC week was that students embarked on an independent process, whereby they obtained the information, chose their manner of working and presented their work, with the teachers playing the role of facilitator and organizer. Lower School teacher, Simon Lee, said, 'It is a completely different way of working for a lot of these children. I believe a lot of students have really developed their collaborative skills this week, and many of them have also developed their communication skills.'

“做学习的主导者”是学生在主题周中的另一个收获。在这个过程中,学生才是学习过程的主导,需要自己选择合作方式,展示学习成果,而老师只是引导者和组织者。小学部Simon Lee老师评价道:“对于很多孩子来说,这是一种完全不同的学习方式。我相信很多学生在这一周的学习中锻炼了自己的协作能力,提高了沟通技巧。”


I am one of the judges of Harrow Beijing's CCC week. I'm also a parent of a Harrow Beijing student. As a parent and a judge, after viewing all the works, I feel very proud… they have learnt how to solve problems and they also know how to find creative solutions to helping a certain region communicate with the outside world. This kind of project really makes me feel that Harrow Beijing students are growing into capable global citizens.

我是哈罗北京这次CCC主题周的评委,也是哈罗北京一个学生的家长。作为家长和评委, 我看了所有的作品之后,感到非常骄傲……孩子们学会了解决问题的办法,同时又知道怎样用自己的创意去发挥出来,去帮助一个地区或一个地方去和外面沟通。这样的活动让我感到,哈罗北京培养出来的孩子都是非常有用的人。

---Hong Huang


During the CCC week, we looked back in time as well as looking into the future. We experienced how cultures communicate with each other and focused on Chinese identity and global identity, hence the theme, the Silk Road. We believe that developing the students' understanding of different cultures fulfils the School's mission: Leadership for a better world.


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